Ashley Pazypuente-Ewh

    Alumna (Ph.D. Student)

    Phone: 513.556.3133
    Address: Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department, University of Cincinnati, OH

I started conducting research at the University of Central Florida during high school and after graduating decided to go there for my undergraduate degree. While at UCF I earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and an M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering. During my time at UCF I worked with Dr. Yongho Sohn and my research was focused on solid-state diffusion experiments regarding nuclear fuel systems in collaboration with Idaho National Laboratory, where I was consequently able to participate in a summer internship. There I worked on the compilation of a database and image analysis of fuel cladding chemical interactions in uranium based metallic nuclear fuels.

Selected Honors

  1. 2012 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow
  2. 2012 NSF Graduate Research Fellow
  3. 2012 Northwestern Cabell Fellow


  1. C. Wei, A. Aitkaliyeva, Z. Luo, A. Ewh, Y.H. Sohn, J.R. Kennedy, B.H. Sencer, M.T. Meyers, M. Martin, J. Wallace, M.J. General, L. Shao, “Understanding the Phase Equilibrium and Irradiation Effects in Fe-Zr Diffusion Couples,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 432 (2013) pp. 205-211.
  2. K. Huang, Y. Park, A. Ewh, B.H. Sencer, J.R. Kennedy, K.R. Coffey, Y.H. Sohn, “Interdiffusion and Reaction Between Uranium and Iron,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 424 (2012) pp. 82-88.
  3. A. Ewh, E. Perez, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn, “Characterization of Interaction Layer in U-Mo-X (X=Nb,Zr) and U-Nb-Zr vs. Al Diffusion Couples Annealed at 600?C for 10 hours,” Defects and Diffusion Forum, Vols. 312-315 (2011) pp. 1055-1062.