- Dr. Shipeng Shu
- Post-Doctoral Researcher
- Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Current project(s):
- Co-advised with Prof. David Seidman
- Phone: 847.491.5883
- Email: spshu@northwestern.edu
- Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208
I was born in China. I received my B.S. degree in Applied Physics from University of Science and Technology of China, and Ph.D. degree in Mateirals Science and Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Following some time at University of Wisconsin-Madison, I moved to Northwestern University to continue my postdoc study.
Prior to joining the group, I studied precipitation processes in metallic alloys under irradiation using both experimental and computational tools. Here, I will continue to focus on precipitation processes, but in Al-based alloys, aiming to design new light-weight precipitation hardened alloys suitable for high-temperature applications.
Selected Honors
- MeV Summer School Scholarship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2016
- Conference Travel Award for Graduate Students, UIUC, 2015
- Racheff/Bunett Teaching Fellowship, UIUC, 2013
- Excellent Graduate, USTC, 2010
- Outstanding Student Scholarship, USTC, 2007, 2008, 2009
Selected Publications
- S. Shu, P.B. Wells, N. Almirall, G.R. Odette, D.D. Morgan, Thermodynamics and kinetics of core-shell versus appendage co-precipitation morphologies: An example in the Fe-Cu-Mn-Ni-Si system, Acta Mater. 157 (2018) 298-306.
- S. Shu, N. Almirall, P.B. Wells, T. Yamamoto, G.R. Odette, D.D. Morgan, Precipitation in Fe-Cu and Fe-Cu-Mn model alloys under irradiation: Dose rate effects, Acta Mater. 157 (2018) 72-82.
- S. Shu, B.D. Wirth, P.B. Wells, D.D. Morgan, G.R. Odette, Multi-technique characterization of the precipitates in thermally aged and neutron irradiated Fe-Cu and Fe-Cu-Mn model alloys: Atom probe tomography reconstruction implications, Acta Mater. 146 (2018) 237-252.
- Z. Song, H. Wu, S. Shu, M. Krawczynski, J. Van Orman, D.J. Cherniak, E. Bruce Watson, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. Morgan, A first-principles and experimental study of helium diffusion in periclase MgO, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 45(7) (2018) 641-654.
- S. Shu, X. Zhang, J.A. Beach, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback, Irradiation-induced formation of nanorod precipitates in a dilute Cu–W alloy, Scr. Mater. 115 (2016) 155-158.
- S. Shu, X. Zhang, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback, Non-equilibrium Grain Boundary Wetting in Cu–Ag Alloys Containing W Nanoparticles, Materials Research Letters 4(1) (2016) 22-26.
- S. Mao, S. Shu, J. Zhou, R.S. Averback, S.J. Dillon, Quantitative comparison of sink efficiency of Cu–Nb, Cu–V and Cu–Ni interfaces for point defects, Acta Mater. 82(0) (2015) 328-335.
- S. Shu, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback, Role of point-defect sinks on irradiation-induced compositional patterning in model binary alloys, Phys. Rev. B 91(21) (2015) 214107.
- X. Zhang, S. Shu, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback, Precipitate stability in Cu–Ag–W system under high-temperature irradiation, Acta Mater. 97(0) (2015) 348-356.
- S. Shu, P. Bellon, R.S. Averback, Complex nanoprecipitate structures induced by irradiation in immiscible alloy systems, Phys. Rev. B 87(14) (2013).