
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004


January 17, 2025

Farewell and congrats to Ming for being a professor at the University of Nevada, Reno.

January 17, 2025

Congrats for Dingchang, Sam and Clement on completing their PhD.


August 27, 2024

Isaac Brown, from the Department of Computer Science at Northwestern University, has developed and deployed an open-access educational video game, Oxide Blaster, with metallurgical advice from Ming Chen, Ya-chu Hsu, Maryam al-Buainain and David Dunand. The game (freely playable on a popular free platform) demonstrates the concepts of oxide particle reduction with hydrogen, and it teaches concepts of reaction kinetics and their sensitivity to various parameters in an intuitive and visual manner.

Isaac also has created a video on YouTube to demonstrate the video game. In Oxide Blaster, at the first level, CoO particles move on the screen, as in a fluidized bed. The player clicks on these particles for them to absorb hydrogen (H2), initiating the reduction of CoO to Co, with steam (H2O) as a by-product. As the reduction progresses, the CoO particles decrease in size. Larger CoO particles require more H2 to be fully reduced. The player has only 24 H2 molecules and 45 seconds to reduce all CoO particles (CoO → Co); upon completing this task, the player can proceed to the next level, with more oxide particles of various compositions (NiO, Fe2O3, etc) and with higher velocities.


August 13, 2024

Krysti's and David's paper made the cover of the Journal of Materials Research (JMR)! The paper titled "Lamellar structures in directionally solidified naphthalene suspensions" in collaboration with Prof. Voorhees and supported by a grant from NASA's Physical Sciences Research Program (80NSSC18K0196).


July 10, 2024

Ismael, Logan and David (Clement was out of town) met with Army Research Laboratory scientists, Dr. Kweon and Dr. Mogonye, at Northwestern University on July 10, 2024.


June 11, 2024

Congratulations to Sam, Tiffany, Clement and Dingchang on the successful defense of their PhD thesis and their graduation!

June 11, 2024

Congratulations to our undergraduate students Erin, Ekin, Ryan and Davin on their graduation!

June 11, 2024

Welcome KenHee Ryou to the Dunand group!!

May 07, 2024

Congratulations to David (so, in fact, to the Dunand research group!), for having been ranked by among the top 4% Materials Science researchers worldwide (#1,148 out of ~27,000) and among the top 500 Materials Science researchers in the US (416/500)

February 12, 2024

Congratulations to Prof. Yuttanant (Vee) Boonyongmaneerat, (postdoc research on Ni foams at our group in 2006 - 2007) for his promotion to Director of the Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute (MMRI) at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

February 02, 2024

Congratulations to Krysti who has joined Carnegie Mellon University as a postdoc in the Open Science & Data Collaborations Program at the CMU Libraries.

January 30, 2024

We have just released another educational videogame, Aluminoid - associated with a DoE project on aluminum: check the website here. Aluminoid is a fast-paced, arcade-style game inspired by the science of aluminum alloys. The game features a series of maps generated from real lab images of the microstructures generated by these alloys, which change during gameplay to reflect real-world processes like Ostwald ripening. Isaac Brown, a Computer Science and Music undergraduate student working with the Dunand lab and the designer of this game, released a YouTube video demonstrating it: check the video here!



December 12, 2023

We are welcoming John Misiaszek back to the US, after 3 months of research in Switzerland (Empa, advised by Dr. Leinenbach) with a ThinkSwiss fellowship

December 12, 2023

Congratulations to Hyeji Im, who accepted an offer to join the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Case Western University in early 2024, as an Assistant Professor!

December 7, 2023

David Birthday Celebration



August 4, 2023

ShuShu Ornella (middle) presented her poster on her work this summer titled "3D-Ink-Extruded Titanium with Steel Spaceholders for Orthopedic Implants." ShuShu is a rising senior at the Chicago Math and Science Academy and was funded by the Northwestern University Research Program for High Schools (NURPH, DMR-1720139). Well done, ShuShu!

She was mentored in our lab by Sam, Ya-chu, John and David (from left to right) with NSF support (CMMI - 2015641 and DMR - 2004769)


June 24, 2023

Group party organized on the lakefront by John M.



June 8, 2023

Congratulations to Alex Proschel for passing his Qualifying Exam on: 3D Direct Ink Writing of Thermoelectrics

June 1, 2023

Congratulations to Dingchang Zhang for passing his Qualifying Exam on: 3D Ink Extrusion Printing of High Entropy Alloy and Superconductors

May 15, 2023

Congratulations to Krysti Scotti for successfully defending her PhD thesis on: " Effects of Gravity-Driven Convection on Microstructural Development during Directional Solidification of Particle Suspensions

April 14, 2023

Congratulations to Lauren Kearney for joining MIT this fall 2023. As a US Navy's Fleet Scholar, she will be pursuing a Master's degree in Nuclear Science and Engineering. Lauren completed her senior thesis with Krysti Scotti in our group (with NASA funding) and she received in 2017 the Hilliard Award for Undergraduate Leadership, Scholarship, and Fellowship.

April 3, 2023

Congratulations to Muath Al Malki, who successfully defended on April 3, 2023 his PhD thesis entitled "Creep Deformation of Thermoelectric Materials", co-supervised by Profs. Jeff Snyder and David Dunand


March 30, 2023

Congratulations to Jovid Rakhmonov, who after 2 years of postdoc research in the group working on aluminum alloy, is joining the Alloy Behavior and Design Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory


March 14, 2023

Congratulations to Brandon for the successful defense, on Pi day (3.14.23), of his thesis entitled "Design of Tungsten-free, L12-strengthened Cobalt-based Superalloys"



December 15, 2022

Congratulations Yunjia for his MS degree!


December 2, 2022

Happy Birthday David! Picture from group meeting. Missing members: Tiffany, Muath, Kristy, Maryam, Clement and the undergrads (Jesse, Erin, Ekin).



November 17, 2022

Lion Electric Tour for MAT_SCI 381: Energy Materials! Thank you TAs: John and Dingchang.


October 9, 2022

The Dunand group was out in force at the MS&T'22 conference in Pittsburgh: poster by Harrison Kim, and presentations by Brandon, Dingchang, John, Sam, as well as Hyeji, Jovid and Kuma.

October 7, 2022

Tiffany's submission "RUINS" won honorable mention at the NUANCE image contest. Congrats,Tiffany!


October 6, 2022

Congratulations to John, Sam, Kristy, Brandon for passing their qualifying examinations and are now Ph.D. Candidates!

September 7, 2022

Jacob Mack as his first day at MIT, with his graduate advisor, Chris Schuh - both alumni from our group!


August 29, 2022

Jennie defended her Ph.D.! Congratulations Dr. Glerum!! Photo credit to Northwestern Engineering's albums


June 28, 2022

Dunand Project Receives DOE Funding to Reduce Industrial Emissions. The project is receiving $500,000 from the DOE's Advanced Manufacturing Office. -source

June 8, 2022

Congratulations to Jacob Mack receiving his BS degree! Welcome Pascal Fandré, Harrison Park and Ming Chen to the group!

May 19, 2022

Hilliard Symposium: Brandon and Jennie got 4th and 3rd place for their talks, Jacob got the Senior year award, and John was acknowledged for his NSF fellowship.


May 14, 2022

5K! Jacob, John, David, Jennie, Sam, Alex, and Clement


April 6, 2022

Congratulations to David (so, in fact, to the Dunand research group!), for having been ranked among the top 1,000 Materials Science researchers worldwide (911/1000) and among the top 350 Materials Science researchers in the US (344/350) - source

March 29, 2022

Farewell lunch for Hyeji Park on Tuesday 29th at Lou Malnati's!


February 28, 2022

Congratulations to Clement Ekaputra who has received a ThinkSwiss scholarship which will finance a stay in Switzerland in fall 2022, to do research on aluminum alloys at Empa (Zurich) in the group of Dr. Christian Leinenbach, synergistically with his current PhD research at NU (funded by the Army Research Laboratory).


October 8, 2021

Sam's submission "Coral Oxide" won Director's pick at the NUANCE image contest. Congrats, Sam !


October 6, 2021

Sam received third place and also an honorable mention in Class 4 Artistic Microscopy (Color) in the 2021 International Metallographic Contest from ASM International for two of his micrographs of freeze-cast iron lamellar foams (research supported by the National Science Foundation). Congrats, Sam!



October 1, 2021

Congratulations to Aaron for being selected for a 2021 ASGSR Student Travel Award based on the excellence of his submission for an oral presentation during the Concurrent Technical Sessions at the 2021 ASGSR Annual Meeting in Baltimore.

September 18, 2021

Group BBQ, with the picture of everybody, with significant others/spouses.



December 2, 2020

Amir received first place in Class 4 Artistic Microscopy (Color) in the 2020 International Metallographic Contest for his image of the dendritic microstructure of a dilute aluminum-hafnium solid-solution alloy. Congrats, Amir!

Prof. Seidman is Co-PI on this project and this research is funded by ONR.


October 1, 2020

The department announced its 2020 MSE Undergraduate Awards recipients: Jacob Mack, Outstanding Sophomore. Congrats, Jacob!

August 28, 2020

Cristabella Wolf accepted a position as a project engineer in the space division at ILC Dover in Houston! Congratulations, Cristabella!

June 22, 2020

Congratulations to Stephen for joining Materials Development Inc., an Evanston-based high-tech company focusing on containerless processing and novel materials!

June 22, 2020

Congratulations to Tony for accepting a position at Blue Origin!

March 5, 2020

Congrats to Francesca for having successfully defended her MS thesis today!


December 10, 2019

The group bid farewell to Nando Reyes and Richie Michi. Nando has accepted a position at JBS Solutions in Huntsville, Al and Richie was recently awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Congratulations, Nando and Richie; we will miss you!


November 22, 2019

The group bid farewell to Pedro Javier Lloreda Jurado. Javier is now back at Universidad de Sevilla; we will miss you, Javier!


November 1, 2019

Congratulations to Richie for accepting a job offer at ORNL!

October 10, 2019

Congratulations to Nando for winning a McCormick Terminal Year Fellowship!

October 1, 2019

Congrats to Aaron Ahles for winning an Academic Year Undergraduate Research Grant awarded by the Office of Undergraduate Research at Northwestern University!

September 16, 2019

Nando defended his Ph.D.! Congratulations Dr. Reyes!!

August 26, 2019

The group bid farewell to Binna Song. Binna is now back at Soochow University in China; we will miss you, Binna!


June 1, 2019

Congrats to Cristabella Wolff for winning a Summer Undergraduate Research Grant awarded by the Office of Undergraduate Research at Northwestern University!

May 11, 2019

Congratulations to David, Jenny, Nando, and Dan for finishing a 5K in support of The Materials Science Student Association!

April 3, 2019

Congratulations to Stephen on being appointed as a Dr. John N. Nicholson Fellow for the 2019-2020 academic year.

April 1, 2019

Congratulations to Jennie for winning a ThinkSwiss fellowship!

February 26, 2019

Congratulations to Tony for receiving a DOE SCGSR fellowhip!

February 25, 2019

The group bid farewell to Teakyung Um. Teakyung is now back at Kookmin University; we will miss you, Teakyung!

January 4, 2019

Congratulations to Fernando who is a recipient of the 2018-2019 PPG Fellowship (one of only two allocated to the MSE department!)


December 15, 2018

David was invited to King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi by Prof. Chaowalit Limmaneevichitr (KMUTT Associate Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, Vice President for Student Development, Secretary to the Minister of Digital Economy and Society) in Bangkok on November 23, 2018, to give a scientific presentation and discuss ongoing and future research on aluminum alloys with Prof. Limmaneevichitr, Prof. Pandee, and alumnus visiting student, Chanun Suwanpreecha.

On that evening, there was a very nice alumni dinner at Siam Paragon (Bangkok) with alumni and collaborators:

Chaowalit Limmaneevichitr
Chanun Suwanpreecha
Chetarpa (Pam) Yipyintu
Boonrat Lohwongwatana
Yuttanant (Vee) Boonyongmaneerat
Ampika Bansiddhi
Alan Brothers
Nirand Pisutha-Arnond
Ratchatee Techapiesancharoenkij


On November 24, Pam, Ampika, Alan, baby Damon, David, and Cécile drove to Ayutthaya (the ancient capital of Siam) for a wonderful day of visiting temples, Buddha statues and an elephant farm.


December 15, 2018

Our microgravity freeze-casting work is profiled in NASA's "Innovation" online publication.

December 15, 2018

We welcome Dr. Jae-Gil Jung from the Korea Institute of Materials Science.

December 2, 2018

Congratulations to Stephen Wilke, who passed his qualifying examination and is now a Ph.D. Candidate!

November 1, 2018

We are happy to welcome two new post-docs: Alex Chadwich and Fei Xue, co-advised by Profs. Voorhees and Seidman, respectively.

October 20, 2018

Please join us in welcoming Pengyu Chem visiting from Xi'an Jiaotong University

October 15, 2018

Please join us in welcoming our two new graduate students: Brandon Ohl and Alex Rosenthal (co-advised by Prof. Seidman)

September 15, 2018

Please join us in welcoming our three new group members: Prof. Binna Song (visiting from Soochow University), Dr. Shipeng Shu (postdoc co-advised with David Seidman, and Mr. Teakyung Um (visiting graduate student from Kookmin University)!

September 14, 2018

Congratulations to Nando Reyes, who passed his qualifying examination and is now a Ph.D. Candidate!

August 20, 2018

Congratulations to James Coakley on starting his position as Asst. Prof. of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at University of Miami!

August 1, 2018

LUMPI, a freeze-casting game developed by our partners at Bradley University, won a bronze medal in the 2018 International Serious Play Awards! Click here to play the award winnig game!

July 20, 2018

Congratulations to Dinc on starting his position as Asst. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering at Marquette Univeristy!

January 29, 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Shannon Taylor, who received her Ph.D. and will now be joining DesktopMetals. Congratulations Shannon! You will be missed.


January 29, 2018

The group bid farewell to Jens Sesseg. Jens is now back at ETH, defending his MS thesis on March 1. Best of luck to Jens.



November 29, 2017

The Dunand Research Group's work on additive manufacturing for complex alloys and microstructures is featured in issue 7 of MForesight's "Manufacturing Ideas to Watch" online publication!

November 21, 2017

Shannon and David's work with colleagues in the Shah group on 3D printed iron and nickel foams was recently featured on the cover of Advanced Engineering Materials. The full article can be accessed here!


November 1, 2017

Alumnus, Prof. Cong Wang (Northeastern University, Shenyang, China) has been chosen as co-recipient of the TMS 2018 Early Career Faculty Fellow Award. Congratulations!

October 4, 2017

Our NU SpaceIce and UIUC collaborative work is feature on the Astronomy Magazine. The mission will launch on a NASA CubeSat, a small cubic satellite, in 2018. Check out the full article here.

September 20, 2017

The NU-UIUC CubeSat feature is now live on The Big Ten Network (BTN) social media channels.

September 20, 2017

David was hosted as "foreign expert" of Plan 111 International Cooperation of Advanced Light Metal Innovation Center at Shanghai Jiao Tong University during his trip in China by Profs. Bing Ye and Liqiang Wang, both alumni of the Dunand group. Pictured at the gate of the university campus.


September 18, 2017

David went to Nanjing (China) for the Metfoam 2017 conference and spent time with the group alumni. From left to right: Cong Wang (Northeastern U.), Paloma Trueba (U. Seville), Karen Chen-Wiegart (SUNY Stony Brook), David, Bing Ye (Shanghai Jia Tong U.), Liqiang Wang (Shanghai Jia Tong U.), Ranier Sepulveda (U. Seville), Gang (Joey) Chen (Northwest Institute for Non-ferrous Metal Research, Xi'an)


June 21, 2017

Congratulations to Hoon-Hwe for welcoming a baby boy to his family!


June 6, 2017

Materials Science department's senior project presentations will take place tomorrow and Thursday morning in Bodeen (Tech C115). 5 students from our group will be giving their final research presentation!

  1. Lauren Kearney (mentored by Kristen Scotti): 10:00am Microstructural Characterization of Freeze-Cast Ceramic Slurries.
  2. Jonathan Young (mentored by Kristen Scotti). 10:15am Effect of Prefrozen Suspension Temperature on Porous Structure in Freeze-casted Ceramics.
  3. Youwu Fang (mentored by Kristen Scotti). 10:30am Using Succinonitrile (SCN) for Freeze-casting.
  4. Amaka Ibeh (mentored by Shannon Taylor). 11:00am Extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing of NiTi-Nb Micro-trusses for Biomedical Applications.
  5. Ryan Weidinger (mentored by Dinc Erdeniz). 11:15am Synthesis and Mechanical Characterization of NiTi-Nb Wire Woven-mesh Structure for Retaining Shape Memory Effect.
Come and give support for their work!

June 1, 2017

Congratulations to Aaron for passing his master final defense. Aaron will be joining SiNode System and be working on manufacturing of lithium ion battery anode material

April 12, 2017

Alix Deymier, our group alumnus, just accepted a tenure track assistant professor position in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Connecticut. Congratulations to Alix!


May 11, 2017

Lauren Kearney have been selected to receive the NU MSE Hilliard Award for Leadership, Scholarship and Service for 2017. Lauren Kearney is a member of SpaceIce and is researching the impact of thermal conductivity on freeze-casting as part of her senior project. Outside of lab, she is involved in NROTC and Phi Sigma Pi Honor Fraternity. She will receive the award at Alumni Celebration and Award banquet on the evening of Thursday May 18th at the Orrington Hotel! Congratulations to Lauren!

April 12, 2017

Kristen Scotti and a group of undergraduate students are working on a Space Ice device to be launched on a satellite, under construction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign this summer. Check out the full coverage on Medill Reports Chicago.

April 2, 2017

Congratulations to Nando and Liliana on getting married! Nando and Liliana are enjoying their honeymoon at Bali, Indonesia!


March 30, 2017

The group bit farewell to Maxime Garnier. Max completed his master defense in Northwestern University. Best of luck to Max.

March 29, 2017

Andrea Hodge, our group alumnus, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at University of Southern California visited Northwestern to give a talk on Grain Boundary Engineering at the Nanoscale.

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January 11, 2016

A news article featuring research conducted by group member Shannon Taylor (co-advised with Ramille Shah) and Adam Jakus (Shah Group) has been featured on the McCormick news website! The full article: "A New Way to Print 3-D Metals and Alloys" can be found here.

March 29, 2016

Congratulations to Fernando Reyes, who received a 2016 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Fellowship.

March 31, 2016

Materials360online is featuring André Röthlisberger and Prof. Ralph Spolenak's work on directional freeze-casting of tungsten metal foam. The full article: "Directional freeze-casting method produces highly structured metal foams by ice-templating" can be found here.

April 29, 2016

Congratulations to Hyeji Park for receiving a poster award on Morphological Study of the Cobalt Foam Fabricated by an Ice Templating Method at the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIM), which is the largest annual conference for metallic materials in Korean. We hope to see you again soon, Hyeji.

June 7, 2016

Congratulations to group alumna Cathrine Yun and her husband Joon on the birth of Lucy Nicole Yun on May 27 at 1:01am. She weighed 7 lbs 15 oz at 20.5 inches long.


July 7, 2016

Northwestern experiment will soon be orbiting the Earth! A team of students in the group recently received an award from NASA to send freeze casting experiment into the orbit. Check out the news featured on Northwestern Engineering News for more information.

July 31, 2016

Congratulations to Dr. Hunhui Cho for his next career endeavor in academia. He will be joining Hanbat Nationationl University of Korea as a faculty member this Fall. More information about the university can be found here.

July 7, 2016

Northwestern experiment is going on to the international space station! David and Krysti's proposal on "Microstructure Evolution in Freeze-Cast Materials" is accepted by NASA as part of the MaterialsLab Program. MaterialsLab Program aims to accelerate materials development by using experimental data generated on the orbiting laboratory. NASA press release can be found here and Northwestern University featured news can be found here. for more information.

July 7, 2016

Congratulations to our group alumna Ampika and Alan Brothers in adding Damon to their family! We hope little Damon will one day become a great Materials Scientist too!

September 12, 2016

Congraulation to Krysti Scotti in being the Highly Commended Entrants and the Global Winners in US and Canada Region in the Mathematics & Physics category of The Undergraduate Awards 2016! Krysti's work on ICE-TEMPLATING IN MICROGRAVITY: Toward the advancement of environmentally responsible materials processing on Earth and in space is considered as highly commended in the Mathematics & Physics category. Krysti will be travelling to Dublin later this year for the award ceremony.

September 16, 2016

Congraulation to Hyeiji Park in winning the Korean NRF global Ph.D. fellowship award, a highly competitive Korean award where about 200 students are selected from all academic areas including medical, humanity, and business schools. She will be working on 3D printing in the group led by Professor Heeman Choe, while visiting Northwestern University on a regular basis to work with Professor Shah and Professor Dunand.

September 16, 2016

The group bids farewell to Pam Yipyintum who will now return to Chulalongkorn University, Thailand to complete her PhD study and Dr. Pinkui Ma who is returning to Julin University, China. Best of luck, Pam and Punkui. We hope to see you again.


November 21, 2016

TCongraulation to Hyeiji Park in winning another poster award at a Korean metallurgy conference (Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, the biggest materials conference in Korea).

December 2, 2016

Congratulations to our group alumni Dr. Christian Greiner and her wife Alexandra on the birth twin daughters Mathilda and Miriam few weeks ago. Wish the best for their family during the holiday season!


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December 3, 2015

Congratulations to Shannon Taylor (Shah and Dunand groups), Adam Jackus, and Nick Geisendorfer (Shah group) for publishing in Advanced Functional Materials with a colorful inner cover: Metallic Architectures from 3D-Printed Powder-Based Liquid Inks Adam E. Jakus , Shannon L. Taylor , Nicholas R. Geisendorfer , David C. Dunand and Ramille N. Shah, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 6985–6995

November 20, 2015

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Rawlings, who defended his Ph.D.! Congratulations Dr. Rawlings!!

November 4, 2015

Congratulations to Dr. Matthew Glazer, who defended his Ph.D.! Matt's next adventure is to move out to the bay area where he will work for Exponent. Congratulations Dr. Glazer!!

October 4, 2015

Congratulations to Nicholas Geisendorfer, pictured on the right, for reaching the final round (top four) of the MS&T Student Speaking Competition and being recognized for his presentation entitled "3D-Printed Metal Objects from Oxide Inks" about research performed in the Shah and Dunand labs, in collaboration with Adam Jakus (Shah group) and Shannon Taylor (Shah and Dunand groups)!


August 1, 2015

The group bids farewell to Sandra Häberli, who will be returning to ETH Zurich to resume work under Prof. Ralph Spolenak. Best of luck, Sandra!

June 17, 2015

Congratulations to Dr. Peter Bocchini, who recently defended his Ph.D.! Pete's next step is to begin working for Boeing in Huntsville, Alabama (Rocket City). Congratulations Dr. Bocchini!!!


February 18, 2015

The group welcomes Sandra Häberli, who will be working with the group for the next few months, continuing the work on new freeze-cast alloys started by André Röthlisberger. Sandra's home institution is ETH Zurich, where she is working towards a Ph.D. degree under Prof. Ralph Spolenak. Welcome, Sandra!

January 29, 2015

The group bids farewell to André Röthlisberger, who has accomplished a great deal in just a few short months working on freeze-cast alloys. He will now return to ETH Zurich to finish his Ph.D. under Prof. Ralph Spolenak. Best of luck, André!

January 27, 2015

Congratulations to Edward Pang (B.S. 2015 and former Dunand group undergraduate student) who was awarded the prestigious Churchill Scholarship!

January 21, 2015

The group welcomes Dr. Hunhui Cho, who comes to us from Seoul National University with a background in Finite element/volume modeling. Hunhui will be applying his background to several projects, including stress analysis of the porous metal-based battery, the prediction of the creep behavior of the super alloy with the woven structure, and the mechanical analysis of the nano-porous materials. Welcome, Hunhui!

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December 15, 2014

The group welcomes André Röthlisberger, a visiting Ph.D. student from ETH Zurich, under Prof. Ralph Spolenak. André will be working at Northwestern for a few short months on processing methods for novel directionally-solidified freeze-cast alloys. Welcome, Andre!

October 21, 2014

The group welcomes Qinyuan (Chelsea) Liu, a first-year Ph.D. student, who will be working on Cobalt-base superalloys, co-advised with Prof. David Seidman. Chelsea has a M.S. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.S. in Metallurgy from the University of Science and Technology, Beijing. Welcome Chelsea!

September 24, 2014

The group had a farewell lunch for Philipp Okle today at the Noyes Street Cafe. Philipp has been working on advancing our understanding of the Al-Sc system and achieved a great deal in the six months he has been at Northwestern. Philipp will now be embarking on a three-week roadtrip of the eastern half of the US before returning to Germany to begin his PhD at ETH Zurich (David's alma mater!). Congratulations Philipp and be sure to keep in touch.

August 18, 2014

The group had a farewell lunch for Hyeji Park at the Noyes Street Cafe. Hyeji has been working closely with Amy on directionally freeze-cast Co foams for the past few months and achieved a great deal during her short tenure at NU. Congratulations Hyeji and best of luck in the future!

August 18, 2014

The group bid farewell to Cong Wang at a lunch held at the Noyes Street Cafe. Cong has been with us for the past year working as a post-doc on vapor phase processing of Ni-base superalloys. He will be returning to Northeastern University in Shenyang, China as a professor under the "thousands talents program" sponsored by the Chinese government. Congratulations on the work you've accomplished while at NU, and be sure to keep in touch!


July 28, 2014

As part of an ISEN-sponsored study, David and a group of NU undergraduate students (Kristen Scotti, Felicia Teller, Emily Northard, and Kimberly Clinch) flew parabolic flights with the NASA Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program (RGEFP). In the experiment, aqueous slurries of TiO2 were solidified under microgravity; after post-processing back at Northwestern University, these slurries will become anatase foams with hierarchical porosity to be used as electrodes of dye-sensitized solar cells.

... ...

June 20, 2014

Congratulations to Robert Schuld and Kathie Jaycox, who graduated today with B.S. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering! Robby has been working closely with Pete and Daniel since 2011 and Kathie has been working with Shannon and Prof. Ramille Shah. Best of luck to you both and be sure to keep in touch!

June 20, 2014

Congratulations to Dr. Catherine Bewerse (Tupper), who received her Ph.D. degree last Friday and will now be working with the Boston Consulting Group. Her thesis title is "Processing and Mechanical Properties of NiTi-Nb Porous Structures with Microchannels" and her project was co-advised by Prof. Cate Brinson. Congratulations Catherine! You will be missed.


June 9, 2014

Welcome to James Coakley, who will be joining the group as a post-doc, joint with Prof. David Seidman. James will be working on Ni and Co-base superalloys.

May 21, 2014

Welcome to Anthony DeLuca, who will be joining the group as a post-doc, joint with Prof. David Seidman. Anthony will be working on Aluminum alloys.

April 1, 2014

Welcome to Philipp Okle, who will be joining the group to work on his Master's thesis. Philipp will be working on Aluminum alloys.

March 19, 2014

Welcome to Hyeji Park, who is visiting us from Kookmin University. Hyeji will be working with Amy on freeze-casting of Co.

March 13, 2014

Congratulations to Ashley PazyPuente, who passed her qualifying examination and is now a Ph.D. Candidate!

February 27, 2014

The group bids farewell to Liqiang Wang, who has worked with us for the past year and is now returning to Shanghai Jiaotong University. We held a party at Giordano's pizzeria in Evanston to commemorate his time here with a last taste of Chicago. Congratulations, and best of luck!


February 19-23, 2014

Congratulations to Michael Rawlings, who presented a poster at the UT Energy Forum, and won both "Crowd Favorite" and 2nd place overall for his research poster. Mike is working towards his Ph.D. on a project involving a new, creep-resistant steel along with Dr. Nhon Vo at Northwestern and collaborators at the University of Tennessee (P. Liaw, a NU alum) and at Berkeley (Mark Asta, former NU faculty). The impact on carbon dioxide emission and fuel economy may be major, as this new steel may allow for hotter, higher-efficiency operation of fossil fuel power plants, thus lowering emissions and fuel consumption.


February 16-20, 2014

The group was well-represented at the annual meeting of The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) in San Diego, California. Dinc Erdeniz, Peter Bocchini, Matthew Glazer, Daniel Sauza, Ashley Ewh, Gang (Joey) Chen, and David Dunand all gave talks, and Cong Wang and David Dunand helped organize and chair program sessions. For a .pdf fileof the full conference program, click here.

January 14, 2014

Congratulations to Daniel Sauza, who passed his qualifying examination and is now a Ph.D. Candidate!

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November 12, 2013

Congratulations to Dr. Cong Wang, who was selected as one of six recipients of the SME 2014 Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award. This prestigious award "is conferred in recognition of significant achievements and leadership in the field of manufacturing engineering as a young engineer." Congratulations Cong!

November 3, 2013

Congratulations to Matthew Glazer, who passed his qualifying examination and is now a Ph.D. Candidate!

October 31, 2013

The group bids farewell to Prof. Ranier "Ray" Sepúlveda Ferrer, who has worked with us for the past few months on freeze-casting of Ti and is now returning to the University of Sevilla, Spain. Congratulations on the work you have accomplished during your stay and we'll miss your witty conversation.

September 9, 2013

The group bids farewell to Prof. Paloma Trueba, who has been working with us for several months on freeze-cast Ti foams, and managed to accomplish a great deal in such a short amount of time. We hope to see you again soon!

August 27, 2013

The group bids farewell to Hyungyung Jo, who has been working with us since March, following months. anaged to accomplish a great deal in such a short amount of time. We hope to see you again soon!

July 31, 2013

Welcome to Dr. Cong Wang, our new research associate! Cong comes to us with a wealth of experience in both metallurgical research and as an active member of the international metallurgy community. He will be working on vapor phase processing of Ni-base superalloys for aerospace applications

July 24, 2013

The group bids farewell to Prof. Noam Eliaz, who has worked with us for the past year and is now returning to Israel to become the founding chair of a new undergraduate Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Tel-Aviv. Congratulations, and best of luck on your new endeavor!

July 5, 2013

Welcome to Prof. Ranier Enrique Sepúlveda Ferrer and Prof. Paloma Trueba, from the University of Sevilla, Spain. They will be working with us at NU on freeze-cast Ti with graded porosity.

June 21, 2013

Congratulations to Peiqi Zheng, who defended her Ph.D. thesis this spring and will go on to begin her career at Stryker working on research for biomedical applications!


March 8, 2013

The group held a farewell dinner for Myounggeun Choi, who has been working with us for the past six months. We also bid welcome to Hyungyung Jo, who will be working where Myounggeun left off. Both Myounggeun and Hyungyung are students at Kookmin University under Prof. Heeman Choe (a former postdoc in the group), who also joined us for the occasion.


February 27, 2013

Welcome to Dr. Liqiang Wang, an assistant professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University, who will be working with us at NU.


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September 25, 2012

Welcome to Myounggeun Choi, who will be working on freeze-cast Cu-Ni foams.

September 25, 2012

Welcome to Tianyu (Judy) Zhu, who will be working with Vo on high-temperature Al alloys.

September 25, 2012

Welcome to Ashley Ewh, who will be working with Paige on NiMnGa foams.

August 1, 2012

Welcome to Professor Noam Eliaz of Tel-Aviv University, who will be working with us at NU while on a year-long sabbatical.

March 30, 2012

Congratulations to Michael Rawlings, who received a 2012 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

March 15, 2012

David Dunand has been chosen to become a TMS Fellow in 2012. This is the highest honor bestowed on members and recognizes them as eminent authorities in their dicipline. Read more about it here


February 3, 2012

David Dunand received the 2012 MSEA Journal Prize, an international excellence award established by the journal Materials Science and Engineering: A to recognize academics working in the field of structural materials science who have made an outstanding contribution to the Journal.


June 13, 2011

An archeometallurgy paper on Cahokian Copper by Alix Deymier-Black, Matt Chastain's, David Dunand and coworkers has been highlighted on the Northwestern McCormick Engineering website and also in the US News and World Report and in Physics News.

May 11, 2011

Congratulations to Chris Booth-Morrison and his wife Agatha on the birth of his son, Charles.

May 9, 20112

Congratulations to Anjali Singhal, who won the student poster award at the APS Users Meeting this year. This conference is for user communities of the Advanced Photon Source, the Center for Nanoscale Materials, and the Electron Microscopy Center and was focused on highlighting, promoting, and stimulating user science at these three outstanding research facilities. The title of her poster was "Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Modulus and Residual Strains in Bone". Co-authors: Anjali Singhal, Alix Deymier-Black, Jonathan Almer and David Dunand

April 17, 2011

Congratulations to Catherine Tupper, who received a 2011 National Defense Science and Engineering Graudate (NDSEG) Fellowship.

April 5, 2011

Congratulations to Pete Bocchini, who received one of only five 2011 NASA Aeronautics Scholarships.

April 5, 2011

Congratulations to Catherine Tupper, who recieved a 2011 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations also to Pete Bocchini and Mike Rawlings, who both received honorable mention.

February 21, 2011

Prof. Dunand to give a leacture at kick-off of 2011 Green Cup (Sustainability in Residential Life Competition) "Hot Rocks and Strong Seas: Geothermal, Wave and Tidal Renewable Energy". The lecture was covered in the Daily Northwestern. Read the full story here.

January 12, 2011

A collaboration between Northwestern and the Art Institute of Chicago was featured in NSF's Science 360 News Service. View the full story here.

January 11, 2011

Welcome to Justin McMath who will be working with Peiqi on NiMnGa foams.

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September 15, 2010

Prof. Dunand and Prof. Sideman's research on a "Nano-Engineered New Aluminum Alloy" has been featured in and the Northwestern McCormick news. Read the full story here and here.

May 3, 2010

Prof. Dunand's research on printed origami structures, performed in collaboration with the University of Illinois, has been making the headlines recently.

April 15, 2010

Marie Cox has been selected to receive an American Fellowship from AAUW for the 2010-2011 academic year. AAUW provides one of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women and the fellowships are highly competitive.

April 12, 2010

The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has awarded Karen a Studying Abroad Scholarship.

March 31, 2010

Alix has been selected by the Scientific Committee of the European school "New Lights on ancient materials 2010", which will be held at synchroton SOLEIL from the May 27th to June 2nd 2010.

March 5, 2010

MIT's Technological Review quotes Prof. Dunand's comments concerning Prof. Ramirez' magnetic solders. Read the full story here.

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December 15, 2009

Congratulations to Marie Cox whose first paper has been accepted for publication in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: M.E. Cox, S.N. Mathaudhu, K.T. Hartwig, D.C. Dunand “Amorphous Zr-Based Foams with Aligned, Elongated Pores”

December 15, 2009

Congratulations to Yu-chen Karen Chen whose first paper has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters: Y.K. Chen, Y.S. Chu, J.M. Yi, I. McNulty, Q. Shen, P.W. Voorhees, D.C. Dunand "Morphological and Topological Analysis of Coarsened Nanoporous Gold by X-ray Nano-tomography"

December 15, 2009

Congratulations to Alix Deymier whose first paper has been accepted for publication in Acta Biomaterialia: A.C. Deymier, J.D. Almer, S.R. Stock, D.R. Haeffner, D.C. Dunand “Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Study of Load Partitioning during Elastic Deformation of Bovine Dentin”

October 23, 2009

Xuexi and David's work with colleagues at Boise State University on nickel-manganese-gallium foams was recently featured on the cover of Nature Materials. The full article can be accessed here along with supplementary materials available here. Also check out the current Nature Materials News and Views section to learn more about the shape-memory phenomena and what the research team's achievement means for the field.


See Northwestern's coverage of the story at the McCormick News Center and here. The National Science Foundation also discusses the work in a recent news article.

September 14, 2009

Xuexi and David, together with colleagues at Boise State University, have published a paper in Nature Materials on Ni-Mn-Ga foam showing very large magnetic field induced strain. The research is highlighted on the McCormick News Center.

September 11, 2009

Congratulations to Group alumnus Yoshi Matsumoto on the birth of his 4th child (3rd son), Reo, who was born on July 8 at 5:03 PM and weighed in at 2,612 g (5.8 Lbs.).

August 13, 2009

Update: Check out a video and accompanying article about the research below on the Northwestern NewsCenter.

A recent publication co-authored by group alum Marcus Young and David Dunand in collaboration with Prof. Lambert from the Department of Chemistry and researchers at the Art Institute of Chicago and the Philadelphia Museum of Art has been receiving a lot of press coverage. The paper, entitled "Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures" was picked up by a number of news outlets shortly after Springer's press release. Check out full coverage below:

August 10, 2009

Undergraduate researcher Phoebe Harpainter is featured on page 3 of the current issue of the Northwestern Research Newsletter.

August 4, 2009

Check out McCormick's Centennial video featuring a brief interview with David and a short cameo by Alix.

June 16, 2009

Matthew Chastain won the 2009 Hillard Award for Undergraduate Research and Design for his work on "Prehistoric Copper Metallurgy at Cahokia, Illinois." This project is together with Alix and Prof. James A Brown and Dr. Kathleen L. Ehrhardt of the Illinois State Museum in Springfield, Il.

May 22, 2009

Former Dunand Group member and current Danae and Vasilios Salapatas Associate Professor of Metallurgy at MIT, Chris Schuh was recently featured in MIT News. The article, "Finishing touches: New alloys offer alternative to chrome," discusses his development of Ni-W coatings, which are more environmentally friendly and an overall better product than chrome.

May 13, 2009

The Chicago Council on Science and Technology will host Katherine Faber, Kimberly Gray, and David C. Dunand (McCormick School of Engineering) on June 8 at the Hughes Auditorium for a panel on their research with the Art Institute of Chicago. See more information here.

April 28, 2009

Congratulations to Group alumna Megan Frary and her husband Rick on the birth of their daughter, Lucille Elizabeth (Lucy), yesterday afternoon at 3:36 PM. She was 7lbs. 14oz. and 21.5 inches long. Megan reports that everyone is sleepy but doing well.

March 30, 2009

David Dunand will be teaching two energy-related courses during the spring quarter: ISEN 210: Sustainable Energy for the 21st Century and MSE 395:Materials for Energy Efficient Technology

March 4, 2009

Matt Chastain has received an NU Undergraduate Research Grant to support his research on the topic of "Metallographic Analysis of Copper Artifacts from Cahokia." This project is together with Alix and Prof. James A Brown and Dr. Kathleen L. Ehrhardt of the Illinois State Museum in Springfield, Il.

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December 12, 2008

Congratulations to group members Marie, Matt, Alix, and Fang for successfully passing their qualifiers and advancing to Ph.D. candidacy this quarter.

November 17, 2008

An article co-authored by D.C. Dunand and Q. Li (post-doc at NU and currently Assistant Professor at U Nevada), and E.Y. Chen (NU alumnus) and D.R. Bice (both from Transition45 Technologies, CA) made the cover of Advanced Engineering Materials

November 13, 2008

On October 31, 2008, David gave a talk entitled "From Matisse to Picasso -- Compositional Analysis of Modern Bronze Sculptures” at a special symposium held on the Northwestern University campus and at The Art Institute of Chicago. The symposium, “Productive Affinities: Successful Collaboration between Museums and Academia," drew more than 150 attendees representing museums, libraries, universities and foundations from around the United States and Europe to share ideas on art conservation and discuss collaborative scientific research on cultural heritage materials. Co-authors were from NU (Marcus Young and Joe Lambert) and from the AIC (Francesca Casadio and Suzie Schnepp). The research was sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

November 2, 2008

Congratulations to former group member Christian Greiner who was recently awarded the von-Humboldt fellowship. In January he will begin work at the University of Pennsylvania with Professor Robert Carpick.

October 24, 2008

President Bienen named Profs. Mark Ratner and David Dunand co-directors of the new Initiative for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern (ISEN) which will be supporting research, teaching and outreach at NU in these critical areas. Read the official announcement here.

October 24, 2008

Welcome to Anselm Neurohr and Page Peiqi Zheng, the newest members of the Dunand group!

October 2, 2008

Jordan kwok recently published his first paper with the Dunand group: P.J. Kwok, S.M. Oppenheimer, and D.C. Dunand "Porous Titanium by Electro-chemical Dissolution of Steel Space-Holders." Advanced Engineering Materials 10 (9) 820-825 (2008).

October 2, 2008

Kendra Erk recently published her first paper with the Dunand group: K.A. Erk, D.C. Dunand, and K.R. Shull "Titanium with Controllable Pore Fractions by Thermoreversible Gelcasting of TiH2." Acta Materialia 56 (18) 4953-4954 (2008).

August 28 , 2008

David Dunand has received the 2009 TMS-SMD distinguished scientist/engineer award which recognizes an individual who has made a long lasting contribution to the fundamental understanding of microstructure, properties and performance of structural materials for industrial applications. Prior recipients are listed at: and include Prof. Greg Olson from NU.

August 7 , 2008

Congratulations to Group alumnus, Chris Schuh, and his wife on the birth of their daughter, Meredith Christie Schuh, who was born July 17th at 5:10 AM. She weighs in at 6 lbs, 13 oz, 19 inches long with blond hair, and, at least for the moment, blue eyes.

July 10, 2008

Marcus was recently awarded the 2008 Acta Student Award, reflecting outstanding articles published in Acta Materialia in 2007, one of the top journals in Materials Science and Engineering. Marcus was co-advised by Dr. Dean Haeffner at Argonne National Laboratory. The three papers for which he was nominated report on experiments carried out at the Advanced Photon Source. Marcus will attend the presentation ceremony which will be at the joint MS&T Conference in Pittsburgh in early October. Congratulations!

June 27, 2008

Rick and Ampika took part in last week's PhD hooding ceremony

June 24, 2008

Congratulations to Dunand Group alumna Megan Frary for being awarded the 2008 ASM Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers. She received her MS and BS with the Dunand Group before completing her PhD with Chris Schuh (another group alumnus) at MIT.

June 20, 2008

Congratulations to former Dunand Group member Keith Knipling for having an article listed as #9 on the "Top 25 Hottest Articles" list for Jan-March 2008 of Acta Materialia: Knipling, K.E.; Dunand, D.C.; Seidman, D.N. "Precipitation evolution in Al-Zr and Al-Zr-Ti alloys during aging at 450-600°C" Acta Materialia, 56, 6, 1182-1195 (2008)

June 6 , 2008

Congratulations to Ampika for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis!

May 19, 2008

Congratulations to Dr. Olivier Couteau and his wife on the birth of their son, Emir Couteau. He was born in Leige and weighs in at 3.5 kg and 49 cm tall.

May 15, 2008

Former Dunand Group member and current Danae and Vasilios Salapatas Associate Professor of Metallurgy at MIT, Chris Schuh, was this year's keynote speaker at the annual John E. Hilliard symposium. His talk was entitled, "From the Ivory Tower to the Factory Floor: an NU Metallurgist Tries to Vertically Integrate."

March 28, 2008

Matt recently published his first paper with the Dunand group: M.E. Krug, D.C. Dunand, and D.N. Seidman: Composition Profiles within Al3Li and Al3Sc/Al3Li Nanoscale Precipitates in Aluminum. Applied Physics Letters. 92, 124107 (2008). Congratulations, Matt!

March 19, 2008

Congratulations to former group member, Yasumasa Chino on the birth of his daughter, who was born on March 4 and weighs in at 3,775 g.

January 8, 2008

Research on magnetic shape-memory foams was recently highlighted in three university scientific news outlets: Northwestern University's McCormick News, Boise State University's UPDATE, and Technology Review at MIT (from which co-authors Vee and David are alumni).

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December 19, 2007

The magnetic shape-memory article by Vee, David, and co-workers at Boise State University was published in issue 24, volume 99 of Physical Review Letters. The article, entitled "Increasing magnetoplasticity in polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga by reducing internal constraints through porosity" was also highlighted as the cover story on the NSF website. The full NSF article can be accessed here.

December 6, 2007

A recently reviewed Physical Review Letters article on magnetic shape-memory foams by Vee, David and co-workers at Boise State University has been highlighted in Physical Review Focus from the American Physical Society. The full story can be found here and was recently mentioned in MRS News.

October 31, 2007

Congratulations to Dr. Alan Brothers who will be joining Mainstream Engineering in Florida from his current position as postdoc at Hahn-Meitner Institute in Germany.

October 25, 2007

Ampika recently published her first paper with the Dunand group:
A. Bansiddhi and D.C. Dunand: Shape-memory NiTi foams produced by solid-state replication with NaF. Intermetallics, Volume 15, Issue 12, December 2007, Pages 1612-1622.

October 24 , 2007

Justin passed his qualifier and is now an official Ph.D. candidate.

September 18, 2007

David Dunand was part of the 2007 Class of Fellows, ASM.  He is cited "For significant contributions to understanding the mechanical properties of dispersion-strengthened alloys, metal matrix composites and metallic foams." The complete list of 2007 fellows can be found here

September 16, 2007

Former Dunand post-doctoral researcher Vee Boonyongmaneerat was recently featured in the news for his work on electrodeposition on metallic foams. The article (in Thai) can be accessed here. It discusses some of the work presented at the 1st Thai Metallurgy Research Conference.

August 21 , 2007

Rick recently defended his Ph.D. thesis. He is now headed to work for Sandia National Laboratories.

July 10 , 2007

Congratulations are again in order for Jordan Kwok, who was awarded the Frey Prize, 3rd Place at the McCormick graduation ceremony for his work entitled "Development and Characteriztaion of a Process for Removing Steel Placeholders from Titanium Foams." Visit for the official announcement.

July 10 , 2007

Congratulations to former group member, Rajan Vaidyanathan, and his wife, Cecilia, on the birth of their son, Arvid Charles. He weighs in at 8 Lbs 5 Oz, 20.5".

June 13 , 2007

Jordan Kwok recently received one of the inaugural Hilliard awards for exceptional achievement in research by an undergraduate. His project was entitled "Development and Characteriztaion of a Process for Removing Steel Placeholders from Titanium Foams" and he was mentored by Scott.

May 18 , 2007

Congratulations to Rick, who was awarded first prize at the John E. Hilliard Symposium for his talk entitled "3-D Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Sc-Er."

May 9 , 2007

Alix recently won the first place poster award at the Argonne National Lab User Week Conference poster sessions. The title of her poster was "Determination of the Mechanical Properties of Bovine Dentin Via High-Energy X-ray Diffraction."

April 24 , 2007

Many group members will be attending the upcoming MetFoam 2007 Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams in Montreal, Canada from September 5-7, 2007. Past and present group members that will be in attendance include: Ampika Bansiddhi, Marie Cox, John DeFouw, Jessica Li, Justin Scott, Dr. Yuttanant Boonyongmaneerat [Vee], Dr. Heeman Choe, Dr. Yasumasa Chino and Dr. Andrea Hodge.

April 04 , 2007

Northwestern's collaboration with The Art Institute of Chicago is currently featured on the front page of the Argonne National Laboratory website. The article can be accessed here

March 27, 2007

Congratulations to Alix for being selected for two prestigious 3-year fellowships: the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship.  She has accepted the NDSEG Fellowship.

March 20, 2007

Congratulations to Marcus on receiving a prestigious Humbolt Fellowship, which will provide funding for his postdoctoral work in Germany for up to 2 years.

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September 20, 2006

Congratulations to Marsha on receiving the Smith Fellowship -- a terminal year fellowship awarded by the McCormick School of Engineering.

September 15, 2006

Congratulations to Justin on the renewal of his Nanoscale Science & Engineering Center (NSEC) Fellowship.

July 3, 2006

Ampika will be attending the upcoming THERMEC' conference and Rick is headed to ICAA.

June 7, 2006

Congratulations to Dr. Keith Knipling on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Development of a Nanoscale Precipitation-Strengthened Creep-Resistant Aluminum Alloy Containing Trialuminide Precipitates."

June 5, 2006

Congratulations to Dr. Marcus Young on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Strain Measurements and Imaging of Metal Matrix Composites using High-Energy X-Rays."

June 1, 2006

David Dunand is invested as the James and Margie Krebs Professor of Materials Science and Engineering by Dean Ottino from the McCormick school of Engineering at an April 2005 ceremony.

May 2, 2006

  1. A.H. Brothers, D.W. Prine, and D.C. Dunand.
    "Acoustic Emissions Analysis of Damage in Amorphous and Crystalline Metal Foams,"
    Intermetallics 14(8-9) 857-865 (2006).

May 1, 2006

Several papers from the Dunand Group have been ranked as ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest Articles:

  1. An article resulting from a collaboration between the Stupp, Brinson and Dunand groups was #1 (July-Sept 2005) and #2 (Oct-Dec 2005) in ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest Articles for Acta Biomaterialia. This work is funded by NSF:
    Spoerke, E.D.; Murray, N.G.; Li, H.; Brinson, L.C.; Dunand, D.C.; Stupp, S.I.
    "A bioactive titanium foam scaffold for bone repair"
    Acta Biomaterialia, 1(5) 523-533 (2006)
  2. An article by Alan Brothers and David Dunand was listed #6 in ScienceDirect
    Top 25 Hottest Articles for Acta Materialia (downloads in July-Sept 2005)

    A.H. Brothers and D.C. Dunand
    "Plasticity and damage in cellular amorphous metals"
    Acta Materialia, 53(16) 4427-4440 (2006).
  3. An article by Marsha VanDalen, David Seidman and David Dunand was listed #23 in ScienceDirect
    Top 25 Hottest Articles for Acta Materialia (downloads in July-Sept 2005)

    M.E. van Dalen, D.C. Dunand, and D.N. Seidman
    "Effects of Ti additions on the nanostructure and creep properties of precipitation-strengthened Al-Sc alloys"
    Acta Materialia, 53(15) 4225-4235 (2006).
  4. ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest Articles for Acta Biomaterialia for Oct-Dec 2005
    C. Greiner, S.M. Oppenheimer, and D.C. Dunand
    "High strength, low stiffness, porous NiTi with superelastic properties"
    Acta Biomaterialia 1(6) 705-716 (2006).

April 20, 2006

Several new papers have recently been published:

  1. J.D. Marvin, D.C. Dunand
    Transformation Mismatch Plasticity in Thin Iron Wires
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 421, 35-39 (2006).
  2. D.K. Balch, D.C. Dunand
    Synchrotron X-Ray and Neutron Load Partitioning in Aluminum Syntactic Foams Containing Ceramic Microspheres
    Acta Materialia, 54, 6, 1501-1511 (2006).
  3. A.H. Brothers, D.C. Dunand
    Amorphous Metal Foams
    Scripta Materialia, 54, 4, 513-520 (2006).

April 16, 2006

  1. N.G.D. Murray, D.C. Dunand
    Effect of Initial Preform Porosity on Solid-State Foaming of Titanium
    Journal of Materials Research, 21 (6), 1175-1188 (2006).

March 31, 2006

Congratulations to Justin on receiving a prestigious 3-year National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.


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December 1 , 2005

Northwestern Collaborates With Art Institute on Conservation Science. Northwestern has partnered with The Art Institute of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory on a long-term art conservation and scientific research program that recently received a three-year, $500,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Marcus and David are active collaborators in this program. More...

August 17, 2005

Congratulations to Rick on receiving a TMS travel scholarship to attend the 2005 TMS MS&T meeting in Pittsburgh in September.

June 14, 2005

Congratulations to Dr. Olivier Couteau and his wife on the birth of their new daughter, Leïla. Olivier reports, 'She is 7 lbs 14 oz, 20" and she is full of energy.'

June 13, 2005

Marsha and Keith presented talks at the American Vacuum Society Prairie Chapter meeting on their research on Al-Sc and Al-Zr based high-temperature aluminum alloys.

April 14, 2005

The creation of ductile bulk metallic glass foams has recently been featured in Materials Today and the MRS Bulletin.

April 11, 2005

Congratulations to two of our students who have won prizes for posters at The Chicago Regional Chapter of ASM International (April 2005):

  • Marcus Young (advised by DC Dunand and D Haeffner, ANL): First Place | Synchrotron x-ray study of load transfer in ultra-high carbon steels.
  • Marsha VanDalen (advised by DC Dunand and DN Seidman): Third Place | Atom probe study of precipitation in Al-Sc-rare-earth alloys.

March 11, 2005

David Dunand is on the International Advisory Board of Metfoam 2005, the 4th international conference on porous metals and metal foaming technology, to take place in Japan in September 2005. Our research group will be presenting several talks at this conference.

February 3, 2005

Former visiting scholar Christian Greiner received from the University of Stuttgart the Prize for best diploma in the area of Physics/Chemistry/Materials/Mechanical and Civil Engineering ("Artur Fischer Preis"). Christian performed this research and wrote his thesis entitled "Processing and Properties of Superelastic NiTi Foams" in the Dunand group while visiting from the University of Stuttgart. His work will be submitted for publication to an international journal, and presented at MetFoam 2005.

January 31, 2005

Hipolito successfully defended his Masters Thesis. He also recently published a paper on his research involving transformation superplasticity. H.J. Gonzalez and D.C. Dunand, "Transformation Superplasticity in Zircadyne 705," Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 13, 665-669.

January 26, 2005

Alan was awarded a very prestigious Northwestern Presidential Fellowship.

January, 2005

Alan recently had two papers published discussing his research on metallic glass foams.

  1. A.H. Brothers, D.C. Dunand. "Ductile Bulk Metallic Glass Foams." Advanced Materials 17 (4) 484-486 (2005).
  2. A.H. Brothers, R. Scheunemann, J.D. DeFouw, D.C. Dunand. "Processing and Structure of Open-Celled Amorphous Metal Foams," Scripta Materialia, 52, 335-339 (2005).

January 10-14, 2005

The high-temperature aluminum people (Rick, Marsha, Keith) attended the high resolution electron microscopy winter school at Arizona State University. This was a welcome relief from Chicago winter. We also met former group member, Heeman Choe, for dinner. Heeman now works at Intel near Phoenix.


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December 14 , 2004

Metallographic Examination of Heavily Eroded Structural Steel from World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7
George F. Vander Voort, Ronald R. Biederman, Rick Sisson and Erin Sullivan (Buehler Ltd, Lake Bluff) More info.

October 20, 2004

Rick passed his qualifier. He is now an official Ph.D. candidate.

October 8, 2004 Scott published a paper on superelastic NiTi foams in TMS Letters:
  1. S. M Oppenheimer, J. G. O'Dwyer, and D.C. Dunand. “Porous, Superelastic NiTi Produced by Powder-Metallurgy” TMS Letters , 1, 5 (2004) 93-94.

October 1, 2004

Marcus passed his qualifier and has now too joined the ranks of Ph.D. candidate.

September 24, 2004

Heeman and David published a paper on the mechanical properties of Ni foams in Materials Science and Engineering A:

  1. H. Choe and D.C. Dunand. “Mechanical Properties of Oxidation-Resistant Ni–Cr Foams” Materials Science and Engineering A, 384, 1-2 (2004) 183-193.

September 23, 2004

Marsha passed her qualifier and is now an official Ph.D. candidate.

September 14, 2004

Keith had a paper published from some old research at Virginia Tech.

  1. K. E. Knipling, et al. “Effect of Dissolved Tungsten on the Deformation
    of 70Ni-30Fe Alloys” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A , 35 (2004), 2821--2828.

July 15 , 2004

David published a paper on processing of Ti foams in Advanced Engineering Materials:

  1. D.C. Dunand. “Processing of Titanium Foams” Advanced Engineering Materials, 6, 6 (2004) 369-376.

June 15 , 2004

David published a paper on finite element modeling:

  1. S. Yilmaz and D.C. Dunand. “Finite-Element Analysis of Thermal Expansion and Thermal Mismatch Stresses in a Cu-60 vol.% ZrW2O8 Composite” Composites Science and Technology, 64, 12 (2004) 1895-1898.

March 24, 2004

Marcus received a Graduate Student Award to attend the 54th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students in Lindau, Germany. This award is sponsored by the US DOE and NSF. He, along with approximately 50 other students, will travel to Lindau to participate in discussions with the Nobel Laureates as well as fellow young researchers from around the world.

February 16, 2004

Alan had a paper accepted for publication on his bulk metallic glass foams:

  1. A.H. Brothers, D.C. Dunand. “Syntactic Bulk Metallic Glass Foam”, Applied Physics Letters, 84 (7) 1108-1110 (2004).

January 10, 2004

Former group member, Naomi Davis, had her second paper on titanium foams accepted for publication in Acta Materialia:

  1. N.G.D. Murray, D.C. Dunand, “Effect of Thermal History on the Superplastic Expansion of Argon-Filled Pores in Titanium: Modeling of Kinetics”, Acta Materialia, accepted for publication

November 9-12, 2003

The group present several papers at the The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society conference, Materials Science & Technology 2003, in downtown Chicago.