Dr. Xuexi Zhang

- Visiting Scholar (alumnus)
- Email: xxzhang(@hit.edu.cn)
- Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208
- Ph.D Materials Science, Harbin Institute of Technology
I wan born in Jiangsu province, China. I graduate from North University of China and gained my bachelor degree in Materials Science in 1997. Then I went to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) and gained master degree in Materials Science in 1999 and Ph.D in 2003. I joined HIT as a Lecturer in 2002 and became an Associate Professor in 2004. From 1997 to 2003, my research interests focused on the fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) by pressure infiltration and solidification mechanisms of discontinuously reinforced aluminum MMCs. From 2004, I paid more attention to the study of purification, dispersion and surface modification of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs), the fabrication, mechanical and physical properties of CNTs/Al MMCs.
In Dunand group, I am preparing magnetic shape memory alloy foams by infiltration method. The relationship between the foam microstructure and magnetic shape memory properties will be experimentally revealed.
Selected Honors
- Distinguished Graduate Student Award, 1999, Harbin Institute of Technology
- Distinguished Doctoral Student Award, 2003, Harbin Institute of Technology
- Outstanding Young Teacher Award, 2006, Harbin Institute of Technology
- First Class Teaching Skill Award, 2006, Harbin Institute of Technology