Teakyung Um

- Visiting Master Student
- (from Professor Heeman Choe's group at Kookmin University)
- Phone: 847.467.5416
- Email: djaxorud1668@gmail.com
- Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208
I earned my B.S. in Advanced Materials Engineering of Kookmin University. I am in master course under Professor Heeman Choe in Kookmin University. I am working as visiting scholar in Dunand Reasearch Group (Sep. 2018 – Feb. 2019). I studied effects of powder carrier on the morphology and mechanical properties. I manufactured two type of iron foams by controlling solvents : water and camphene. The water-based iron foam shows the typical morphology of aligned lamellar macropores replicating ice dendrites along the parallel direction to the temperature gradient. On the other hand, the camphene-based iron foam shows the structure with nearly identical round pores.
At Northwestern, I will manufacture camphene foam with aligned lamellar pore structure, and I will study iron oxide redox cycles using three different types of samples : water-based iron foam with aligned lamellar pore structure and camphene-based iron foams with aligned dendritic pore structures and equiaxed pore structures.
Selected Honors
- 2016, Most popular poster presentation award, “Processing, Microstructure and Compressive Behavior of Porous Tin Oxide”, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
- b. 2017, X-materials award, “Fabrication of AlN Foam and Its application as Heat sink”, Kookmin University of Advances Materials Engineering
- a. M. E. Tahawy, Y. Huang, T. Um, H. Choe, J. L. Labar, T. G. Langdon, J. Gubiza, "Stored energy in ultrafine-grained 316L stainless steel processed by high-pressure torsion", Journal of materials research and technology, 2017.
- b. H. Park, T. Um, K. Hong, J. Kang, H. Nam, K. Kwon, Y. Sung, H. Choe, “Effects of powder carrier on the morphology and compressive strength of iron foams: water versus camphene”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018.