Ranier Enrique Sepúlveda Ferrer

- Visiting Scholar (alumnus)
- Production of porous camphene-based Ti parts by directional freeze casting
- Email: rsepulveda(@us.es)
- Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208
- B.S., Material Engineering, Simón Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela
Ph.D., Materials Science, Sevilla University, Sevilla, Spain
I am a Senior Lecture professor at the Universidad de Sevilla in the Mechanical Engineering and Material Department. My major academic topics are: Aerospace Material, Material Industrial Process, Basic Material Technology and Material Science lectures.
My research is focused on the production of porous camphene-base Ti parts by directional freeze casting. Assessments are mainly motivated to produce high and gradient porosity. Medical application for orthopedic replacement is the main application target. The principal goal is to manufacture a gradient porous sample with a 50-70% porous fraction and diameter no less than 50 microns. Both of this aspect will allow to reduces the gap between Ti young modulus (110 GPa) and bone (10-30 GPa).
- Modelling of three powder compaction laws for cold die pressing. Montes, J.M. , Cuevas, F.G. , Cintas, J. , Sepúlveda. R. International Journal of Materials Research. ISSN: 1862-5282. Vol 103. Pp 1444-1454. 2012.
- Thermal conductivity of BioSiC and the Si embedded in cellular pores of the SiC/Si biomorphic composite. L. S. Parfen’eva, B. I. Smirnov, I. A. Smirnov, H. Misiorek, J. Mucha, A. Jezowski, A. R. De Arellano-Lopez, J. Martinez-Fernandez, R. Sepulveda. Phyysics of the solid state. ISSN: 1063-7834. Vol 49,2. Pp 211-214. 2007.