- Ming Chen
- Post-Doctoral Researcher
- Ph.D., Laboratory for Nanometallurgy, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH-Zurich), Switzerland
- M.S., Materials Science, RWTH-Aachen, Germany
- B.S., Metallurgical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China
- Current project(s):
- Thermoelectrics and Fe based alloys
- Phone: 872.806.8121
- Email: ming.chen@northwestern.edu
- Address:
I received my B. Eng, M.Sc and Ph.D in materials science and engineering from University of Science and Technology Beijing (2012), RWTH-Aachen (2015) and ETH-Zurich (2020). During my PhD, I focused on studying micromechanical properties of covalent crystals, i.e. diamond, Silicon and Germanium, over a wide range of temperatures by using in situ micro-compression inside scanning electron microscope. After PhD, I joined Paul Scherrer Institute and worked as a postdoctoral researcher to study laser powder bed fusion manufacturing and bi-axial deformation of alloys using synchrotron X-ray diffraction method.
In NU, I will apply different techniques, including 3D ink writing and freeze casting, to additively manufacture thermoelectrics, multiple principle elemental alloys and Fe based alloys for structural and functional applications.
Selected Honors
- The Best Oral Presentation in international conference of "Extended Defects in Semiconductors 2018", Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2018.
- b. The Best Poster Presentation in MML symposium "Advanced nano-mechanical techniques for academic and industrial research" 2018, Aachen, Germany, Dec 2018.
- M. Chen, L. Pethö, A. S.Sologubenko, H. Ma, J. Michler, R. Spolenak, J.M. Wheeler. Achieving micron-scale plasticity and theoretical strength in Silicon, Nature Communications, (2020), 11(1), 1-10.
- M. Chen, J.P. Best, I. Shorubalko, J. Michler, R. Spolenak, J.M. Wheeler. Influence of helium ion irradiation on the structure and strength of diamond, Carbon, (2020), 337-345.
- M. Chen, J. Wehrs, A.S. Sologubenko, J. Rabier, J. Michler, and J. M. Wheeler. Size-dependent Plasticity and Activation Parameters of Lithographically-produced Silicon Micropillars, Materials and Design, (2020), 108506.
- I. Basu, M. Chen, J. Wheeler, R. E. Schäublin, J. F. Löffler, Stacking-fault mediated plasticity and strengthening in lean, rare-earth free magnesium alloys, Acta Materialia, (2021), 211, 116877.
- M. Chen, J. Wehrs, J. Michler, J.M. Wheeler. High-Temperature In situ Deformation of GaAs Micro-pillars: Lithography Versus FIB Machining, JOM, (2016), 11, 2761-2767. (Cover Article)
- I. Basu, M. Chen, J. Wheeler, R. E. Schäublin, J. F. Löffler, Segregation-driven exceptional twin-boundary strengthening in lean Mg-Zn-Ca alloys, Acta Materialia, (2022), 117746.
- S. Fritze,M. Chen, L. Riekehr, B. Osinger, M.A. Sortica, A. Srinath, A.S. Menon, E. Lewin, D. Primetzhofer, J.M. Wheeler, U. Jansson. Magnetron Sputtering of Carbon Supersaturated Tungsten Films-A Chemical Approach to Increase Strength. Materials and Design, (2021), 208, 109874.
- C.M. Lauener, L. Petho,M. Chen, Y. Xiao, J. Michler, J.M. Wheeler. Fracture of Silicon: Influence of rate, positioning accuracy, FIB machining, and elevated temperatures on toughness measured by pillar indentation splitting, Materials and Design, (2018), 142, 340-349.
- I. Basu, M. Chen, M. Loeck, T. Al-Samman, D.A. Molodov. Determination of grain boundary mobility during recrystallization by statistical evaluation of electron backscatter diffraction measurements, Materials Characterization, (2016), 117, 99-112.