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Prof. Liqiang Wang

    Visiting Scholar (alumnus)

    Email: liqiangwanglz(@gmail.com)
    Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208

    Ph.D, Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

I am a visiting scholar at Northwestern University, supervised by prof. David Dunand in Materials Science and Engineering. I am studying NiTiNb foam scaffolds for biomedical applications, which have good shape memory effect and superelasticity. It is based on the use of pure niobium as a melting-point depressant that can induce contact melting with NiTi at tractable temperatures. I am working on creating the structure of NiTiNb scaffold and studying the phase transformation and microstructure of this NiTiNb foam. Further superelastic mechanisms will be researched.


  1. Wang L Q, Lu W J, Qin J N, Zhang F, Zhang D. Microstructure and mechanical properties of cold-rolled TiNbTaZr biomedical ß titanium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2008, 490 (1-2):421-426.
  2. Wang L Q, Lu W J, Qin J N, Zhang F, Zhang D. Influence of cold deformation on martensite transformation and mechanical properties of Ti-Zr alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009,469(1-2):512-518.
  3. Wang L Q, Lu W J, Qin J N, Zhang F, Zhang D. Microstructure and superelasticity of in situ synthesized (TiB+La2O3)/Ti-alloy composites with different mass fraction of LaB6, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2010, 527(4-5):1058-1062.
  4. Lei L M, Huang X, Wang M M, Wang L Q, Qin J N, Lu S Q. Effect of Temperature on Deformation Behavior and Microstructures of TC11 Titanium Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2011, 528(28):8236-8243.
  5. Guo X L, Wang L Q, Wang M M, Lu W J, Qin J N, Zhang D. Effects of deformation degree on microstructure, mechanical properties and texture of hybrid reinforced titanium matrix composites. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60(6-7), 2656-2667.