Hyeji Park
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
    Ph.D., Material Science and Engineering of Kookmin University, South Korea

    Current project(s):
    with Prof. Heeman Choe at Kookmin University

    Phone: 847.467.5416
    Email: hyeji.park@northwestern.edu
    Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208

I was born in South Korea and received B.S. (2013), M.S. (2015) and Ph.D. (2018) in Material Science and Engineering from Kookmin University. For my master and doctoral degree, I joined the group of Prof. Heeman Choe (in Kookmin University) working on the processing and characterization of porous materials. I have performed studies on the fabrication/microstructural/mechanical characterization of metal foam (Cu, Co, and alloy), and their potential application for lithium-ion batteries. In 2014 and 2016, I was a visiting scholar in the Dunand's group doing research on freeze-casting and ink-printing of metals. Now in 2021 at NU, I study the manufacturing of metallic foams via freeze-casting, 3D-printing and Selective laser melting

Selected Honors

  1. 2014, Microstructure photography Award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials.
  2. 2015, Microstructure photography Award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
  3. 2016, Best poster award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials
  4. 2016, NRF-2016-Forstering Core Leaders of the Future Basic Science Program/Global Ph.D. Fellowship program award.
  5. 2017, Young woman research award, The Material Research Society of Korea
  6. 2017, Best Poster award, The Material Research Society of Korea
  7. 2018, Best presenter award, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials.
  8. 2018, Women ceramist's best paper award, The Korean Ceramic Society


  1. H. Park, C. Ahn, H. Jo, M. Choi, D. S. Kim, D. K. Kim, S. Jeon, H. Choe, "Large-area metal foams with highly ordered sub-micrometer-scale pores for potential applications in energy areas", Materials Letters, 129, pp. 174-177, 2014.
  2. J.H. Um, H. Park, Y.-H. Cho, M.P.B. Glazer, D.C. Dunand, H. Choe, Y.-E. Sung, "3D interconnected SnO2-coated Cu foam as a high-performance anode for lithium-ion battery applications", RSC Advances, 4, pp. 58059-58063, 2014.
  3. J.H. Um, M. Choi, H. Park, Y.-H. Cho, D. C. Dunand, H. Choe, Y. Sung, "3D macroporous electrode and high-performance in lithium-ion batteries using SnO2 coated on Cu foam", Scientific Reports, 2016.
  4. H. Park, Y. Noh, H. Choi, K. Hong, K. Kwon, H.Choe, "Processing, Microstructure, and Oxidation Behavior of Iron Foams", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47(9), pp. 4760-4766, 2016.
  5. H. Park, M. Choi, H. Choe, D. C. Dunand, "Microstructure and compressive behavior of ice-templated copper foams with directional, lamellar pores", Materials Science and Engineering A, 679, pp. 435-445, 2017.
  6. H. Park, J. H. Um, H. Choi, W.-S. Yoon, Y.-E. Sung, H. Choe, "Hierarchical micro-lamella-structured 3D porous copper current collector coated with tin for advanced lithium-ion batteries", Applied Surface Science, 399, pp. 132-138, 2017.
  7. H. Park, H. Choi, K. Nam, S. Lee, J. H. Um, K. Kim, J.-H. Kim, W.-S. Yoon, H. Choe, "Anode design based on microscale porous scaffolds for advanced lithium ion batteries", Journal of Electronic Materials, 2017.
  8. K. Nam, H.-G. Kim, H. Choi, H. Park, J. Kang, Y.-E. Sung, H. C. Lee, H. Choe, "Morphology and Gas-Sensing Properties of Tin Oxide Foams with Dual Pore Structure", Journal of Electronic Materials, 2017.
  9. H. Choi, H. Park, J.H. Um, W.-S. Yoon, H. Choe, "Processing and Characterization of Titanium Dioxide Grown on Titanium Foam for Potential Use as Li-Ion Electrode", Applied Surface Science, 411, pp. 363- 367, 2017.
  10. J. Kang, Y. Noh, J. Kim, H. Choi, T. Jeon, D. Ahn, J. Kim, S. Yu, H. Park, J. Yum, W. Choi, D. C. Dunand, H. Choe, Y. Sung, "Iron oxide photoelectrode with multidimensional architecture for highly efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting", Angewante chemie, 129, pp. 1 - 7, 2017.
  11. J. Kang, H. Choi, J. Kim, H. Park, J. Kim, J. Choi, S. Yu, K. Lee, Y. Kang, S. Park, Y. Cho, J. Yum, D. C. Dunand, H. Choe, Y. Sung, "Multidimensional anodized titanium foam photoelectrode for Efficient Utilization of Photons in Mesoscopic Solar Cells", Small, 2017.
  12. H. Park, S. Lee, M. Jo, S, Park, K. Kwon, and H. Choe, "Nanowire-Like Copper Oxide Grown on Porous Copper, a Promising Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Battery", Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 54(5), pp. 438-442, 2017.
  13. H. Park, H.-W. Cho, K. Kim, K. Hong, J.-H. Kim, H. Choe, D.C. Dunand, "Surface-Oxidized, Freeze-Cast Cobalt Foams: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Electrochemical Performance", Acta Materialia, 142, pp. 213-225, 2018.
  14. K. Nam, K. Hong, H. Park, H. Choe, "Facile Synthesis of Powder-Based Processing of Porous Aluminum Nitride", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, pp. 1164-1169, 2018.
  15. K. Nam, H. Park, H. Choi, H. Choe, "Contiguity as a governing parameter to predict the strength of porous materials", Materials letters, pp. 99-102, 2018.
  16. M. El-Tahawy, P.H.R. Pereira, Y. Huang, H. Park, H. Choe, T.G. Langdon and J. Gubicza, "High strength and good ductility in an ultrafine-grained 316L steel processed by high-pressure torsion and subsequent annealing", Materials Science and Engineering A, pp. 240-242, 2018.
  17. H. Park+, T. Um+, K. Hong, J.S. Kang, Y.-E. Sung, H. Choe, "Effect of powder carrier on the microstructure of iron foam: Water vs. Camphene", Matallurgical and Material Transaction B, 2018.
  18. J. Cubicza, R. Nemeth, H. Park, K. Kim, J.-H. Kim, M. Ovari, and H. Choe, "Lithiation-induced microstructure evolution in cobalt foam electrode for lithium ion batteries", Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018.
  19. K. Nam, S. Lee, K. Hong, J.S. Kang, H. Jo, H. Park, Y.-E.Sung, P. Jenei, J. Gubicza, K. Kwon, H.-S. Nam, H. Choe, Freeze Casting is a Facile Method to Create Solid Solution Alloy Foams: Cu-Ni Alloy Foams via Freeze Casting, Advanced Engineering Materials, 1801265, 2019.
  20. H. Park, K. Hong, J.S. Kang, T. Um, M. Knapek, P. Minárik, Y.-E. Sung, K. Máthis, A. Yamamoto, H.-K. Kim, H. Choe, Acoustic emission analysis of the compressive deformation of iron foams and their biocompatibility study, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 367-376, 2019.
  21. G. Han, J.H. Um, H. Park, K. Hong, W.-S. Yoon, H. Choe, Hierarchically structured nanoporous copper for use as lithium-ion battery anode, Scripta Materialia, 9-13, (2019)
  22. MK Shobana, H. Park, H. Choe, The influence of lithium on the optical and electrical properties of CoLixFe1-xO4 nanoferrites, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1-4, 2019.
  23. K. Hong+, H. Park+, Y. Kim, M. Knapek, P. Minárik, K. Máthis, A. Yamamoto, H. Choe, Mechanical and biocorrosive properties of magnesium-aluminum alloy scaffold for biomedical applications, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 213-224, (2019)
  24. M. El-Tahawy, P. Jenei, T. Kolonits, G. Han, H. Park, H. Choe, J. Gubicza, "Different evolutions of the microstructure, texture, and mechanical performance during tension and compression of 316L stainless steel", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 3447-3460, (2020).
  25. H. Park, K. Kim, K. Jeong, J.S. Kang, H.-H. Cho, B. Thirumalraj, Y.-S. Sung, H. N. Han, J.-H. Kim, D.C. Dunand, H. Choe, "Integrated porous cobalt oxide/cobalt anode with micro-and nano-pores for lithium ion battery", Applied Surface Science, 146592, (2020)
  26. H. Park, C. Li, A.D. Jakus, R.N. Shah, H. Choe, D.C. Dunand, "High-temperature mechanical properties of ?/?' Co-Ni-W-Al superalloy microlattices", Scipta Materialia, 146-150, (2020).
  27. H. Park, H. Choe, D.C. Dunand, "Microstructure and Compressive Properties of 3D-Extrusion-Printed Aluminized Cobalt-based Superalloy Microlattices", in revision.