Hyeji Park

    Visiting Scholar (Alumna)

    Email: hyeji6317(@gmail.com)
    Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208

I earned B.S in Advanced Materials Engineering from Kookmin University (2013). I studied the fabrication of three-dimensional Cu-Ni foam with sub-micron pores based on PnP as well as the fabrication of three-dimensional Sn-Cu foam for LIB. I’m currently working toward a Master’s degree in Advanced Materials Engineering at Kookmin University.

During visiting scholar at Northwestern University, I will work on the fabrication of Cobalt foam by directional freeze casting.

Selected Honors

  1. 2014, Microstructure Photography Award, “Three-dimensionally structured Cu, Ni foams with sub-micron pores through the interference of light”, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials.


  1. H. Park, C. Ahn, H. Jo, M. Choi, D. Kim, D. Kim, S. Jeon, H. Choe , “Large-area metal foams with highly ordered sub-micrometer-scale pores for potential applications in energy areas”, Materials Letters, 2014