Fernando L. Reyes Tirado

- Ph.D. Student
- Phone: 847.467.5416
- Email: f.reyes@u.northwestern.edu
- Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208
- B.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez
I grew up in Puerto Rico and earned my bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez (UPRM). While at the UPRM, I worked with the synthesis and characterization of aluminum matrix composites reinforced with AlB2 particles. I also had the opportunity to work multiple terms as a Materials intern in the NASA Pathways Internship Program at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). I was involved in projects working with Shape Memory Alloys Self-Healing (SMASH), and materials/failure analysis among others. I enjoy kayaking, going to the beach and visiting new places.
For My PhD Research, I will be working with the development of W-free Cobalt-based superalloys. Nickel-based superalloys are commonly used in the hottest parts of jet engines given their strength at elevated temperature. Cobalt, has a higher melting point compared to that of nickel, therefore, the development of precipitated strengthened Co-based superalloys could potentially replace Ni-based superalloys in high temperature applications. The development of Co-based superalloys could potentially allow higher working temperatures and, consequently, higher efficiency.
Selected Honors
- NSF Graduate Research Fellow (2016)
- GEM Associate Fellow (2015)
- Tirado, F., L. R., Huang, J., & Dunand, D. C. (2017). Ice-templated silicon foams with aligned lamellar channels. MRS Communications, 7(4), 928-932.
- M. Corchado, F. Reyes, O. M. Suarez, “Effects of AlB2 Particles and Zinc on the Absorbed Impact Energy of Gravity Cast Aluminum Matrix Composites,” JOM, Vol. 66, Issue 6 (2014), pp. 926 – 934.