Amelia Plunk

- Master Student (Alumna)
- Email: amelia.plunk(
- Address: 2220 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208
- B.S. Physics, Mount Holyoke College
I grew up in the suburbs of Washington, DC and attended Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. I obtained my B.A. in physics from Mount Holyoke College and conducted research in Professor Janice Hudgings’ optoelectronics laboratory. My thesis concerned characterization of the degradation of organic LEDs using thermoreflectance microscopy. During the summer of 2011 I participated in research at MIT under Professor Christopher Schuh investigating the stability of nanocrystalline tungsten alloys computationally and experimentally. When not in the lab I can be found on the rugby pitch or working to increase the accessibility of science for LGBTQ-identified individuals (
My work in the Dunand group examines freeze-casting as a method to control the size and shape of elongated pores in metal foams for use in structural as well as electronic applications.
Selected Honors
- 2013 NSF Research Fellow